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Todd & Don's Twisted Film Festival

. . . truly bent balloons

"You two behave yourselves!"
- Stephanie Lingafelter, formerly of Balloon Magic Magazine

Frequently Asked Questions

None yet.

Everyone is too busy to ask anything. Or maybe they think we're too dum to answer.

These just in:

Q: My movie length is 5:05, but is really good. Can I still submit it?

A: The time limit is 4:37. If it's really good we might show the first 4:37 of it, but I think you will be ridiculed for having a film with no ending. And you won't be eligible to win.


Q: My film was shot at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club. Is that okay?

A: Yes, send two copies! (I hope it's PG-113. )


Q: I'm not coming to Twist & Shout. Can I still enter?

A: Yes. The rules clearly allow you to enter, you just are not eligible to win a prize.


Q: Do I lose all rights to my movie if I send it to you?

A: No, of course not. You just give us the right to do whatever we want with it. If you can sell it to a producer for gobs of money, go ahead. We just don't want you complaining when we take 30-seconds of your film for a video montage or something like that.


Q: Did you really disqualify a movie?

A: Yes. It would have offended some nice people in our audience. We laughed our tushies off.


Q: Can I have a copy?

A: No.


Q: Are Todd and Don really paying for this out of their own pockets?

A: Yes.


Q: Why are you doing this Twisted Film Festival?

A: We have no life and hope to make friends this way.


Q: How do we contact Don or Todd?

A: Don can be found at donatballoonhqdotcom, and Todd can be found at toddatballoonshowdotcom.


Q: Who is making those awesome tye-dye twisty balloons?

A: Scott Tripp. And they are called "agate" by those in the balloon biz. And note that the mark "awesome" as it relates to a balloon is reserved by Ken Stillman.