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Todd & Don's Twisted Film Festival

. . . truly bent balloons

"You two behave yourselves!"
- Stephanie Lingafelter, formerly of Balloon Magic Magazine

Todd & Don's Twisted Film Festival, 2007

Congratulations to Rachel and Dizzy for winning First Prize for their film, This Date's A Bust .


We were amazed and entertained by the excellent and creative entrants. Here is a list of the artists (in random order) who contributed. We thank you very much :
Artist Title of Film
Mark Byrne
Bad To The Balloon
Rob Balchunas Balloon To The Future
Joel Klein Balloon Pimp
Charlie Brust Balloon Science
Bessie Krulewich

The Two Princesses of Balloon Land

Smarty Pants Great Moments In Balloon Twisting History
Beki Gibney from Assignment: The World Balloon Manor
Jerry McDonald Sorry, Man
Jason Staggs Balloon Envy
A. G. Vermouth Amazon Scene
Rachel Hanna (and Dizzy Doc) This Date's A Bust